Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Hope of Good Puppies

I work evening shift (noon to 10pm), and thus I usually get my "lunch" hour at roughly 4.30pm, when somebody from afternoon school runs is available to cover my desk while I get away from the office for a while. Today, when I drove home for lunch and pulled over curbside to be able to back the car up the driveway, I was met by a most endearing sight.

My cat (who was raised from kittenhood by our wonderful Malamute, and thus honestly thinks he's a very small dog rather than a cat) was sitting at the far end of the driveway, intently watching everything that went by on the street in front of our house. He was being a guard dog for his family. With Kathren gone, he's taken that responsibility onto himself, just as Rusty had always done when he was a kitten. So maybe I still have a good puppy in my life after all.

In related news, my parents and I have been looking into the possibility of adopting another guard dog to protect our family, and tomorrow we plan to go to the local Humane Society to meet a gorgeous Husky named Mia.

(I seem to lack the technical savvy to make the image appear within this blog entry, but the link is as follows:

With any luck, she'll be calm, sweet, loving, family-oriented, and willing to accept a dog-raised feline as a member of the family. If so, then she'll have a nice home and we'll have another good dog in our family. And if not... my baby boy comes first, and any threat to his safety will not be welcome in my home.

Coming up next, a proofread and readable presentation of horribly evil thoughts that have been percolating from the surplus of negative emotions due to the past week's events. Reader discretion is advised.


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